Sunday, October 3, 2010

Create folders on iPhone OS 4

iPhone that has OS 4 allows creating folders. If you have several applications that share the same category, you can easily put them under the same folder. This reduces the need to do paging on the iphone, if you have large number of applications. Each folder can hold up to 12 applications. I believe that more than 12 applications will really miss the point of easy and fast access.

The steps need to be done in order to create a folder are:

1) Point with your finger on an application from which you would like to create a folder (hold your finger on the applications). After about a second all the applications (icons) will start rotating and have “x” on their top left. It should look like this:


2) Drag the application from which you would like to create a folder and drop it on another application that you wish to be on that same folder:

photo 3

3) Release your finger or wait a second or 2 and a folder will be opened. A name for the folder will be automatically suggested according to the category of the application for which you wanted to create a folder:


4) Edit the name of the folder if you want, then press on the folder in order to close it and finally the press the iPhone main button in order to release it from “reordering mode”:

photo lk2

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